Celebrate Drinking Water Week 2018 and our great local utilities
Celebrate Drinking Water Week 2018 and our great local utilities
By Maris Lawyer and Josh Fowler, P.E. (Posted May 7, 2018):

SynTerra is fortunate to partner with outstanding local water utilities, several of whom are participants in AWWA’s Drinking Water Week.
At SynTerra, we are fortunate to live, work, and play in a region that has good sources of drinking water. We’re also fortunate to have outstanding water utilities that treat, store, and distribute high-quality drinking water right to our taps. People in many countries, and in some regions of the U.S., are not as fortunate.
That is why we’re celebrating Drinking Water Week 2018 (May 6-12) and those who work hard every day to make clean drinking water a reality. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) chose “Protect the Source” as this year’s theme. The focus is on waterways (from major rivers to miniscule springs) that contribute to the larger bodies of water we use for recreation, energy, and drinking water. AWWA describes the week as a “unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to join together in recognizing the vital role water plays in our daily lives.”
SynTerra is fortunate and grateful about opportunities to partner with outstanding local water utilities, many of whom are participants in AWWA’s Drinking Water Week. Those partners include Anderson Regional Joint Water System, Greenville Water, Greer Commission of Public Works, and Spartanburg Water. We’re thankful for all they do for their communities!
Please join us as we celebrate Drinking Water Week 2018, and let us know how SynTerra can help you with your drinking water challenges.