Earth Day is observed on April 22, but it should matter every day
Earth Day is observed on April 22, but it should matter every day
By Maris Lawyer and Josh Fowler, P.E. (Posted April 18, 2018):

Earth Day is a time to celebrate wonders of the environment, but it’s also a day to acknowledge concerns and increase our stewardship.
Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22, as it has been for the past 48 years. Earth Day has become a globally recognized day to acknowledge the environment and our impact on it.
The first Earth Day, in 1970, came about as a reaction to gross environmental negligence such as oil spills and air pollution. Since then, Earth Day has helped inspire dozens of movements and organizations, and its inception was followed soon by the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and a few years later by the Endangered Species Act. It is a day to concentrate on resource preservation issues, but it is also a day to celebrate the natural world. Waterway cleanups, tree planting ceremonies, and educational festivals are just a few ways that communities throughout the world acknowledge Earth Day. An estimated 1 billion people in 192 countries now participate, making Earth Day the largest civic-focused day of action in the world.
Environmental stewardship is at the heart of SynTerra culture. The name SynTerra combines two parts: synergy and terra. Synergy represents what happens when we work with clients — the combined effect is greater than the sum of its parts. Terra represents the earth and the obligation we have to be stewards of a healthy environment. We work hard every day to assist our clients with their environmental stewardship. In addition, we do our part to improve the environments of our local communities. That involvement ranges from the sponsorship of recycling bins to participating in river sweeps to partnering with like-minded environmental organizations.
The SynTerra family has a strong desire to leave a lasting environmental legacy for future generations. Please join us as we celebrate Earth Day every day!